Piedra-Padre, Universo in The Photobook Review Magazine | Fall 2018



Piedra-Padre, Universo by Clara de Tezanos weaves together photographs of her family with cosmic images of prisms and nature. The small, hand made book is bound by a seafoam-greem spiral spine, which holds together paper of varying trim sizes. Edited by Alejandro Cartagena, this unconventional yet simple format pairs well with de Tezanos’s use of collage-images layered on top of each other, reminiscent of leafing through a box of old photos. And, just like looking through a family archive, there’s a surprise beneath each layer. Lubben explains, “It’s something that you can really turn yourself over to the visual experience of, which is pretty engrossing, and feels fresh and distinctive, and like something I hadn’t seen before”.